Monday, August 13, 2007

Ex-Gay Survivors Get Press in Nashville

Christine Bakke and Darlene Bogle spoke in front of the Southern Baptist Convention Headquarters last week. On Saturday the Tennessean, Nashville's daily paper, published an article (Baptist Reach out to Gays, to Make them Ex-Gay) about Darlene's story, some of Christine's, and last week's visit. They also include a few quotes from Bob Stith, the Southern Baptist Convention's first national strategist for gender issues.

In the charged debate over God and gays, there are few topics more controversial than so-called reparative therapy — the idea that sexual orientation can, or should, change. The American Psychological Association is in the midst of a yearlong review of the issue, hoping to determine whether such church-based therapy is effective, and whether it may do more harm than good.

'Success' didn't last

For three decades, ex-gay ministries like Exodus International have shared success stories of people who have used prayer and willpower to change, or at least suppress, their homosexuality.

Bogle used to be one of the success stories.

Thank you Darlene and Christine for stepping up and telling your stories so well.

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